Book structure

The Temperament Overview chapter includes the information shown in the first three heading links of this website.

The Temperament Groups chapter presents the information provided in the fourth heading link of this website. It explains how each temperament type belongs to one of four groups and describes the core values for each group using sixteen featured celebrities as examples.

The Temperament Types chapter presents the sixteen temperament types in detail followed by the corresponding featured celebrity as an example. It also identifies other famous people by their temperament type, using these people as examples later in the book.

The next four chapters describe and compare two opposite temperament elements and their key traits using examples from the lives of famous people. Questionnaires are included at the end of each chapter that make use of the concepts learned in that chapter to help you determine the elements that make up your type.

Those questionnaires are repeated at the end of the book after you have gained knowledge from the entire book. Additional questions are added to verify your temperament type. These questions and answers are designed to get you thinking about what seems right for you.

Table of Contents
Table of Contents